Monday, August 31, 2015

5 Healthy Snacks

5. Nut Butter- They have this in packets and include almond, peanut, and other types. Look for ones with the least sugar. Healthy fats, protein, other healthy minerals.

4. Apricots- this fruit doesn't have tons of sugar and is delicious and healthy. You can add this to oatmeal, yogurt, or other healthy options.

3. Frozen Grapes- Although red grapes are higher in antioxidants, green grapes are healthy and delicious as well. Frozen grapes provide a cool and delicious midday treat.

2. Walnuts- This crunchy treat is OK to go nuts for. They provide minerals and are low-carb.

1. Cottage Cheese- Cottage cheese can actually help your muscles grow, and I actually enjoy it. This is a great snack that keeps you happy.

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